Friday October 18, 2008

Just another sober day. Some things seem to be well to me and others could be better. One part of the could be better side of things is my spiritual condition. I’m not feeling as well connected as I feel I should. Perhaps I need to do more prayer and meditation.

On the good side of things, I have been getting better sleep over the last few weeks. I am reading a book about insomnia too, written by an insomniac that is frustrated by the lack of understanding about this problem. The book is a hoot as it talks about problem sleeping like we in AA talk about our alcoholism. And the funny thing is, from some aspects there are a number of perception similarities between alcoholism and insomnia. Like there being lots of well meaning advice offered from people who do not have the problem – you should just stop / just drink some warm milk.

Anyway, it is getting late. I should really think about going to bed!

Happy trails while you trudge the road to happy destiny!