
Following along the same vein as my last post I am still focusing and thinking about my spiritual condition today. I think part of the problem is my having been doing a few of the same things day after day, and perhaps thinking this is enough. Praying in the morning and praying at night does get supplemented by other things throughout the day but there is not much else that I do on a regular basis. Going to a meeting can help me focus more on God but not always. Finding myself in challenging or humbling situations can make me contemplate God, say a prayer, or feel grateful I do not have to bear the burden of everything on my own, but this doesn’t always happen. And so on.

I have been thinking that I perhaps need to do something to knock me out of my complacency. Many years ago I used to fast from time to time. I would drink nothing but water for a day. Then there was a year or two where I was attending a sweat lodge in Montana a few times a month. I would fast for the part of the day leading up to the sweat. The fast coupled with the sweat lodge was a powerful spiritual experience.

All in all, my fasting experiences were truly spiritual manna. I think I need to do a one day fast soon. If your curious, you can find out more about fasting here: how to fast.

Be well and be sober.