Feb 16, 2009 Just for Today

The easier, softer way. I have come to understand that my good life, in general, is not easy. By that I mean having good things – like being sober, having a happy marriage, being employed in a fulfilling job, etc. takes some doing on my part. If I don’t put the effort I am just not likely to get good results. Sure I might hit upon some dumb luck now and again and stumble into some good outcomes. But they are less likely. When I was drinking I ignored things and consistently reaped those rewards. Life got worse and worse.

So my life is like trying to be a farmer. Growing something substantial takes many things that require my attention – planning, action, adjustments and time. Whether I want two hundred acres of corn or to keep a bonsai tree, I can’t get by on a little effort and expect to have great results. Bonsai care takes effort and attention just like staying sober. And just like having a beautiful and interesting Bonsai tree my sobriety can be a wonderful thing if I pay attention and take time to do the right things.

Wishing you all the best in sobriety,

AA Blogger

Feb 13, 2009 Humility

Friday the 13th? No problem. I was born on a Friday the 13th so I think it is a lucky day for me.

Today the meeting was a reading and discussion about the seventh step from the 12 x 12.

Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

My quick take on all that…..
I have many areas of life where I come up short. It is part of being human. Thankfully these problems are not the terrible things they once were. For example it is better that I am aware of being sharp with someone, or not being as kind as I should. Things like this form the bulk of my problems, rather than being such an ass that I have no good relationships, am in trouble with the law or any number of other things that I was good at attracting into my life.

Even though I am much better off I still need to do what I have been taught on a regular basis – talk to others, go to meeting and work on my relationship with God so that I can stay on top of my own crap. If I don’t do these things I lose a bit of humility, then a little more and then it reaches a point where I have lost a lot. This does even happen when I am doing what I should be but I do feel it is not as bad. And at least I am giving myself a chance.

So I need to stay humble, recognize I can and do come up short and try to do better – in part by asking for God to take those things away from me.

Wishing you all the best in sobriety,
AA Blogger

Sunday February 8, 2009

I just went for a wonderful walk with my wife. It is a blessing to be sharing my sober life with someone I love, respect and enjoy being around. An added bonus with a walk today was a break in the cold weather. It was in the mid 40’s which is the warmest it has been for some time. Snow is melting, being outside does not have to involve bundling up real tight and there is lots of ice/water/slush everywhere. We got involved in a heavy conversation about our work (we are both scientists). The time passed quickly even though we were out for 45 minutes.

Part of this walk involves going along a route that an active drunk regularly drives. He or she has to live in this neighborhood. There are always bottles strewn about on the sides of the road. Not a huge number and most of them are those small shots of liquor but enough evidence for me to figure out what this represents. I had not walked this route in awhile and there is lots of snow everywhere. Sure enough there are some newly placed bottles on top of the snow.

When I point things like that out to me wife “these bottles are from a drunk” and lay out the story of what I think is happening, it makes it so clear how different we alcoholics are in so many ways. It is easy for me to know these bottles are from a drunk. She on the other hand does not have a clue. And it is obvious her mind has a hard time understanding the crazy behavior and rational. Why would you need to have a drink when you are are leaving or coming home (why not have it at home)? Why have those little shots if you are doing this same thing every day (why not buy a big bottle)? Why do you have to throw the bottles out the window? And so on.

My question is “why doesn’t she understand?” It all makes perfect sense to me. Rationalization and weird habitats, after all, used to be some of my best friends!

I am supposed to walk every day to help me with my back issues. I am far from having any regular walking schedule and I must say I walk way less than I should. A bit of prayer, and some added focus on willingness to do what is best for me, seems to be in order with this situation. The funny thing is I love to walk and to be outside.

No meeting today. I need to get my ass to one soon.

Wishing you all the best in sobriety,
AA Blogger

Saturday February 7, 2009

A nice morning with a day of possibilities ahead.

I’m grateful to be alive, married and have love around me.
I’m grateful to be sober, relatively sane and have an interesting life.

Challenge. That is my immediate sense of the day. I need to go to a meeting, the library, finish a paper, sort through bills and paperwork, work on a website, shower, read, learn……..

This is typical for my head. It want’s to do everything. I can see by dumping that on the page that I need to stop, right now, and take some time to meditate and pray. Even if it is for five minutes. It will make all the difference in the world.

Wishing you all the best in sobriety,
AA Blogger

Garden Variety Drunk

photo by mrhayata

When I was a few years sober I spent a summer in New Jersey and kept hearing people saying “I was a garden variety drunk.” I wasn’t exactly sure what this meant so I did what I was taught, I asked someone (sidebar – Normal people know to do things like this. I needed to be taught that not only is it OK to ask people things but that it can be really helpful! I had developed the bad idea that I should know everything so there is no way I was asking anyone anything. You might think I was stupid).

The term garden variety drunk simply meant you were a run-of-the-mill alcoholic. In some sense it is a way to address talking about your alcoholism with some humility. No need for a glorified story about wild and crazy drinking exploits – please check your drunkalogue at the door.

Listening to the speaker at the meeting I was at yesterday I was struck with how it was just such a typically AA story. Man finds liquor, drinks, becomes alcoholic, learns he is alcoholic, and eventually gets sober in AA. The thought came to mind that his story was a Garden Variety AA Story. Besides the personality of the person talking and the details he discussed (I enjoyed that aspect of hearing him speak as well), I felt it was a well delivered message about how AA works. Humble in its telling, no glorification of what happened in spite of their being plenty of things that could have been played up, talk about bridging the gap from discovering his alcoholism and eventually seeking out what AA offered, and a genuine gratitude for what AA has provided him – an answer to his drinking problem!

I was struck with one other thing too. He talked about everything being fine in numerous situations while he was drinking. It occurred to me that we as alcoholics are mostly fine with life when little comes between us and our drinking. If we can find the ways and means of comfortably drinking in a manner we like, our life is pretty good. Of course being a drunk means there is unmanageability that goes with the territory. Maybe not so much at first but it will find you eventually. And often get worse, and worse……

Early on in many alcoholics lives there are many ways to mitigate the potential troubles that come with drinking too much. Or simply fool yourself into thinking the drinking is fine and the other stuff if manageable. As time goes on it gets harder to do both of these things. But therein lies the key to our beginning to face our alcoholism and hopefully think about getting sober.

The first step says “We admitted we were powerless of alcohol AND that our lives had become unmanageable.”

It was putting these two ideas together in the same space in my head and heart that was important. My drinking history only spans a decade because I was drug down fast. I had an idea within the first few years of my drinking that I did not have much control. I did not care because it was one of the few things I had ever found that I really, really liked to do. I also ran into problems that were clearly manageability issues. I rarely looked at how these things were connected to my drinking. One of my favorites strategies for doing this was deflection, as in I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, people just need to leave me alone or it was not my fault.

I could sum this up by saying I liked to focus on minimizing the problems and on the fact the drinking made me feel good. Yes, I was a garden variety drunk.

What I needed to do, face, recognize, and feel in my gut was – in spite of the fact that drinking made me feel good the other things that drinking gave rise to meant drinking was unsafe. Accidentally peeing my pants was one thing. Needing to be hospitalized and on the brink of death….a bit more serious and harder to ignore. Yet I did not pick up on how serious this was the first time I was in this situation.

I was an alcoholic AND drinking was destroying my life.

My sobriety literally started from the moment I had a spiritual experience that allowed me to know that these two things were absolutely true. This hit me like a ton of bricks and I have not had to drink since that day.

One thing that keeps me on my toes is that I have met plenty of people that lived and even died with this same knowledge in their head and in their heart. I cannot imagine what it must be like to drink and known this. What I do know is it is possible for me to learn this firsthand. All I would have to do is ignore doing what I know I need to do in order to keep my sobriety.

Wishing you all the best in sobriety,
AA Blogger