Feb 16, 2009 Just for Today

The easier, softer way. I have come to understand that my good life, in general, is not easy. By that I mean having good things – like being sober, having a happy marriage, being employed in a fulfilling job, etc. takes some doing on my part. If I don’t put the effort I am just not likely to get good results. Sure I might hit upon some dumb luck now and again and stumble into some good outcomes. But they are less likely. When I was drinking I ignored things and consistently reaped those rewards. Life got worse and worse.

So my life is like trying to be a farmer. Growing something substantial takes many things that require my attention – planning, action, adjustments and time. Whether I want two hundred acres of corn or to keep a bonsai tree, I can’t get by on a little effort and expect to have great results. Bonsai care takes effort and attention just like staying sober. And just like having a beautiful and interesting Bonsai tree my sobriety can be a wonderful thing if I pay attention and take time to do the right things.

Wishing you all the best in sobriety,

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